Consultation Services

DPS is proud to offer professional consultation for medical specialties, educational institutions, non-profit healthcare organizations, and R&D facilities. We staff professionals trained in a wide array of disciplines. Additionally, each pathologist at DPS possesses at least one area of subspecialty expertise, with extensive experience in utilizing a large array of esoteric testing (IHC, FISH, PCR, DIF etc.) on both tissue and fluid (Gyn and non-gyn) based diagnoses.

Professional Consultation: 

  • Patient materials may be transported by courier or by priority overnight mail using mailers provided and paid for by Doctors Pathology Services. A preliminary report will be emailed to the submitting physician within 24 hours and a final report will be completed within 24 to 48 hours.
  • Contact us for our UPS # for shipping materials to us for consultation.
  • The fees for these services will be based on Medicare Fee Schedule using predominantly the following CPT codes:
  • Professional Codes for Consultations

    88321 - Consultation and report on referred slides prepared elsewhere
    88323 - Consultation and report on referred material requiring preparation of slides
    88325 - Consultation, comprehensive, with review of records and specimens, with report on referred material

    Special stain & IHC Codes

    88313 - Group II, all other (eg. Iron, trichrome), except immunocytochemistry and immunoperoxidase stains
    88312 - Special stains
    88360 - Morphometric analyses, tumor immunohistochemisty (Her-2/neu, estrogen and progesterone receptors)
    88365 - In situ hybridization (FISH)
    88346 - Immunofluorescent study, each antibody, direct method (DIF skin), per antibody
    88342 - Immuno-Histochemistry


    * CPT codes for molecular pathology are available upon request.

Management Consultation:

  • Domestic and International Laboratory Management Consultation
  • Laboratory Design, Workflow, and Personnel Assistance

Legal Consultation:

  • Call to discuss: 1-877-DPS-MICS (1-877-377-6427)